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== QuickBooks Errors QBD ==
== QuickBooks Errors QBD ==
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Error Codes - QuickBooks Desktop (QBD)
ERROR: Unable to add New Customer record to QBD - (3070) : The string "****** ****** (******)" in the field "****" is too long.
This error occurs when you are trying to sync data that is too large for QBD.
Check the error message for the specific field, then update the data in TG.
Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
&nbsp; <ol start="2">
ERROR: Unable to Add Item to QBD - (3140) : There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Account "" in the Item Non-Inventory.
This error occurs when you did not select an account when job costing the order.
Go back to the job costing page for this order, and select the account for each line item.
Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
To help eliminate the issue with this item from happening again, you can also edit the item in the service catalog and set the department field to the QBD account you need. This will set the default account on future orders and you won’t need to manually select the account on the job costing page.
&nbsp; <ol start="3">
ERROR: Unable to Add Invoice to QBD - (3140) : There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Item "TGS-*******" in the Invoice line.&nbsp; QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument.&nbsp; The specified record does not exist in the list.
This error occurs when an item in QBD that was being referenced by TG gets deleted.
Because an item in TG can only be synced to QBD once, you will need to remove the item from the service catalog and re-add it.
Then go to the order, and remove the item that was causing the issue, and re-add it to the order using the newly added item from the service catalog.
TG will then insert a new item record into QBD and will start to keep track of that record’s ID.
Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
&nbsp; <ol start="4">
ERROR: Unable to Add Invoice to QBD - (3240) : Object "********-**********" specified in the request cannot be found.
This error occurs when an object record in QBD gets deleted that is being referenced by the order. This may be from any action in QBD that destroys the record.
This error is most commonly caused by the customer record being deleted.
Open the client for this order in TG by using the order number above this error message.
While on the client page, expand the QuickBooks accordion at the bottom of the page and click the “Reset ID” button under the QBD section.
This will force TG to search QBD for a new customer record in QBD or insert a new one if none is found.
Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
If you continue to receive errors, contact ThermoGRID Support and we can help to narrow down what object in QBD was deleted.
<br/> <ol start="5">
+ ERROR: Unable to add New Customer record to QBD - (3180) : There was an error when saving a Customers list, element "****** ****** (******)".&nbsp; QuickBooks error message: This list has been modified by another user.
This error is an internal locking mechanisim in QBD and often occurs when you are editing an object in QBD at the same time you are trying to sync data in TG.
Close out of any objects that you have open like customers, items, etc.
Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
General &nbsp;Issues:
Clients are being duplicated.
This issue can happen when a client you already had setup in QB has a Display Name format that did not match up with TG. (“fname lname (id)”). TG Is unable to find the customer in QB when syncing an order so it creates a new record.
To fix this duplicated client, first start by merging in the newly created customer account in QB to the old customer record.
Go to this client’s edit page, expand the QuickBooks accordion at the bottom of the page, and click the “Reset ID” button under the correct QB section. This will force TG to search QB for the customer next time there is an order to sync.
To make sure TG finds the correct customer this time, copy the customer’s Display Name field from QB and paste it intto the client’s Display Name field in TG.
The next time an order is synced, TG should find the customer record in QB using the Display Name field that you entered and use that to sync the order.
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== Videos QBD ==
== Videos QBD ==

Revision as of 14:36, 14 January 2018

QuickBooks Desktop

Export & Transfer Clients QBD

Install Web Connector QBD

QuickBooks Desktop – Install Web Connector


This document covers the download and installation of the QuickBooks Web Connector. You will go to the Intuit website, download and extract the compressed file, and then run the installation wizard. Configuration with ThermoGRID is done in a later document. Make sure you are referencing the Getting Started guide to know what documents you need to follow.

Any questions regarding this process should be sent to [email protected].


  1. If you currently have QuickBooks open and/or running, close it now.
  2. Go to the Intuit site by following this link:



  1. Click on the “Download, unzip and install the QuickBooks Web Connector” link.
  2. Download the zip file to an easily accessible location like your desktop.
  3. Open the zip file and double click on QBWebConnectorInstaller.exe.
  4. If you get a pop up asking if you would like to extract files, click the “Extract all” button.
  5. Extract the files in an easily accessible location like your desktop.
  6. Open the folder you just extracted. Then right click on the QBWebConnectorInstaller.exe and choose the “Run as administrator” option. If you get a pop up that asks if you want to allow the app to make changes on your computer, click “Yes”.
  7. Click “Next” on the first part of the install wizard.
  8. Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click “Next”.
  9. Click the final “Install” button to begin the installation.
  10. Wait for the install to complete. You can follow the progress bar to monitor the progress.
  11. Click “Finish” to close the installation wizard.
  12. You are now finished with the installation of the Web Connector.

Download Document with Pictures Install Intuit Web Connector

Connect Web Connector to ThermoGRID QBD

QuickBooks Desktop – Connect ThermoGRID to QBD


This document covers setting up the link from ThermoGRID to QuickBooks Desktop. You will be enabling QBD, saving a sync password, and adding ThermoGRID to your Web Connector using a custom configuration file. Make sure you are referencing the Getting Started guide to know what documents you need to follow.

Any questions regarding this process should be sent to [email protected].


  1. Sign into ThermoGRID using your administrator account. Then click on the Administration tab.
  2. Click on the “Company Settings” button to go to the company settings page.
  3. Click the “Edit” button so you can modify the settings.
  4. Scroll down until you see the “Quickbooks Desktop” section. Then check the “Enabled” checkbox.
  5. After it loads, the system should enable QuickBooks Desktop and provide you with a “Configuration File” link and a “Password”. Take note that the password will only be shown to you once so you’ll need to copy it for later where you will enter it into Quickbooks. The password will get saved so you won’t need it again after that. Highlight the password, right click, then select “Copy”.
  6. Then open up notepad or similar program like Microsoft Word, then paste the password.
  7. Then click on the “Download File” link to download the customized configuration file.
  8. Download the file in an easily accessible location like your desktop.
  9. Open Quickbooks Desktop and click on “File” in the header bar, then choose the “Update Web Services” option. This will open up the QuickBooks Web Connector.
  10. Click on “File” in the header bar, then choose the “Add an Application” option.
  11. Select the configuration file you downloaded then click the “Open” button. After this, you will get an Authorize New Web Service pop up window.
  12. Click “OK” on the Authorize New Web Service pop up. After this, you will get a Certificate pop up.
  13. Select the “Yes, whenever this QuickBooks company file is open” option, then click “Continue”.
  14. After you add the ThermoGRID application enter or copy and paste the password you saved earlier in the “Password”field. You should get a pop up asking if you want to save the password, select “Yes”.
  15. You are now finished linking ThermoGRID to QuickBooks Desktop.

Download Document With Pictures Connect ThermoGRID to QuickBooks Desktop


QuickBooks Errors QBD

Error Codes - QuickBooks Desktop (QBD)  

ERROR: Unable to add New Customer record to QBD - (3070) : The string "****** ****** (******)" in the field "****" is too long.

This error occurs when you are trying to sync data that is too large for QBD.

Check the error message for the specific field, then update the data in TG.

Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.

  1. ERROR: Unable to Add Item to QBD - (3140) : There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Account "" in the Item Non-Inventory.
    This error occurs when you did not select an account when job costing the order.
    Go back to the job costing page for this order, and select the account for each line item.
    Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
    To help eliminate the issue with this item from happening again, you can also edit the item in the service catalog and set the department field to the QBD account you need. This will set the default account on future orders and you won’t need to manually select the account on the job costing page.
    1. ERROR: Unable to Add Invoice to QBD - (3140) : There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Item "TGS-*******" in the Invoice line.  QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument.  The specified record does not exist in the list.
      This error occurs when an item in QBD that was being referenced by TG gets deleted.
      Because an item in TG can only be synced to QBD once, you will need to remove the item from the service catalog and re-add it.
      Then go to the order, and remove the item that was causing the issue, and re-add it to the order using the newly added item from the service catalog.
      TG will then insert a new item record into QBD and will start to keep track of that record’s ID.
      Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
      1. ERROR: Unable to Add Invoice to QBD - (3240) : Object "********-**********" specified in the request cannot be found.
        This error occurs when an object record in QBD gets deleted that is being referenced by the order. This may be from any action in QBD that destroys the record.
        This error is most commonly caused by the customer record being deleted.
        Open the client for this order in TG by using the order number above this error message.
        While on the client page, expand the QuickBooks accordion at the bottom of the page and click the “Reset ID” button under the QBD section.
        This will force TG to search QBD for a new customer record in QBD or insert a new one if none is found.
        Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
        If you continue to receive errors, contact ThermoGRID Support and we can help to narrow down what object in QBD was deleted.

        1. + ERROR: Unable to add New Customer record to QBD - (3180) : There was an error when saving a Customers list, element "****** ****** (******)".  QuickBooks error message: This list has been modified by another user.
          This error is an internal locking mechanisim in QBD and often occurs when you are editing an object in QBD at the same time you are trying to sync data in TG.
          Close out of any objects that you have open like customers, items, etc.
          Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
        2.   General  Issues:

          Clients are being duplicated.

          This issue can happen when a client you already had setup in QB has a Display Name format that did not match up with TG. (“fname lname (id)”). TG Is unable to find the customer in QB when syncing an order so it creates a new record.

          To fix this duplicated client, first start by merging in the newly created customer account in QB to the old customer record.

          Go to this client’s edit page, expand the QuickBooks accordion at the bottom of the page, and click the “Reset ID” button under the correct QB section. This will force TG to search QB for the customer next time there is an order to sync.

          To make sure TG finds the correct customer this time, copy the customer’s Display Name field from QB and paste it intto the client’s Display Name field in TG.

          The next time an order is synced, TG should find the customer record in QB using the Display Name field that you entered and use that to sync the order.

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          Videos QBD


          Reconcile ThermoGRID to QBD

          QuickBooks Online

          Export & Transfer Clients QBO

          QuickBooks Errors QBO

          Videos QBO

          Reconcile ThermoGRID to QBO

          QuickBooks Transfer Log
