NavBar - Calls
User Interface
Click on the Calls Tab/Button on the Navigation Bar, This will bring you to your calls page. You can also add a call from this page but it would be recommended that the Call be added from the calendar with the "Add" button
Here is an example of what the call page will look like.
What is a Call?
A Call is any scenario where a Client reaches out to your company desiring Service, Estimates, Repairs, Maintenance, or any other services your company may provide. Calls will be managed as the Main or "Parent" Object to all of your Jobs and Orders. In some scenarios a Client reaches out for service, but the service ends up turning into a sales quote as well. The Client now has made One (1) Call and Two (2) Jobs should have been created, one for service and one for sale. so that Two (2) Orders can be created. Even though there were 2 Jobs, Each with an Order attached to them, we still only manage this under One call. Training will cover this more in depth and you can also watch a video on this process Here.
Call Interface
The Call Breaks down into 5-6 sections depending on it VoIP is Active. (Audio will not be seen if VoIP is not Active)
Client Details = Clients Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, Notes, Addresses and any other information that needs to be tracked under the client
Call Details = DMR Category, Notes/Information about the Request of the Call
Audio = Recorded Audio from VoIP
Jobs = The Jobs attached to this Call
Orders = The Orders Attached to this Call
Advanced = Option to Archive the Call
Client Details
Existing Client (option)
Use the provided fields to search for client information
Select / Search for Client: Type in a clients name and it will search the entire client base for them and Display a Location. (If the client has a location that is not listed, more more information to filter down results)
First Name, Last Name, Primary Phone Number, Company Name and Address Line 1 will do a search for an existing client, only 5 clients will display at a time so if you do not see the client initially continue to type more info in and it will continue to filter them.
If this is an existing client it will display any existing balance the client has under Client Balance, it will be red.
If any Changes need to be made to the Client Information or address there is an option to Edit the Data on either Directly from the Call. (This will change all Call, Job and Order Information attached to this client.)
New Client (option)
If it is a new client you can type in the client information and click the orange button Create New Client. This will save all Customer information to your Client List
If your Client has a Unit that they are going to have service performed on, you have the option to add what ever unit information is available. When a field staff member arrives at the location they will be able to update any missing or incorrect information about the unit.
This Unit(s) will always stay attached to the Address it has been created on.
If you want to see the clients history in the client details you can click the button History. You will see a tab for Calls, Jobs, and Orders. Each number is able to be clicked on to see all the details of it.
Call Details
These are your DMR Category. This does Not Need to be applied if you're not using DMR (Daily Management Report) To Learn more about the DMR Click Here
These are your DMR Types for your Call Center. This does Not Need to be applied if you're not using DMR (Daily Management Report) To Learn more about the DMR Click Here
Call Description
The Notes that are in pure in this field will directly transfer to the Job Details. The Customer will not see These Notes, they are for the Field Staff member looking over the Job Assigned to them
Club Memberships / Service Agreements
If the client has a membership you will be able to see it right next to the Call Details if you need to set one up for the client you can click Manage Memberships.
When searching calls it will go for client name, address, job type, tech name, notes, etc.