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QuickBooks Desktop

QuickBooks Desktop – Getting Started


This document covers how to setup the Sync process between ThermoGRID and QuickBooks Desktop. You will be following other documents depending on the sync method you choose and how you want to configure it.

Supported versions for the Sync from ThermoGRID to QuickBooks Desktop are:

  • QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions
  • QuickBooks Premier (2002 or later)
  • QuickBooks Pro (2002 or later)
  • QuickBooks Simple Start (2006 or later)
  • QuickBooks Point of Sale (v.4.0 or later)

Any questions regarding this process should be sent to [email protected].


1. by installing the Intuit QuickBooks Desktop Web Connector. Follow the “Install Intuit Web Connector” link to download the file (tg_qbd_install_webconnector.docx).

2. connect your ThermoGRID company account to QuickBooks Desktop. Follow the “Link ThermOGRID to QuickBooks Desktop” link to download the fie (tg_qbd_link_apps.docx).

3. on which sync method you choose, your next document will be different. These documents will go over setting up the sync method and explain how to get data to sync.


Chart of Accounts – Items

Orders are synced using Service Catalog Items from ThermoGRID that are added to the Products and Services area in QuickBooks and link to specific Accounts from the Chart of Accounts. Use this method if you would like to keep track of individual items, do reporting on them, etc. If you would to use this method, follow the “Sync Method – Chart of Accounts – Items” link to download the file (tg_qbd_sync_method_coa_items.docx).


Chart of Accounts – References


Orders are synced using direct references in the Products and Services area in QuickBooks that match specific Accounts/Sub-Accounts from the Chart of Accounts. Use this method if you would rather limit the entries to the Products and Services area and don’t need to keep track of or report on individual items. If you would to use this method, follow the “Sync Method – Chart of Accounts – References” link to download the file (tg_qbd_sync_method_coa_references.docx).


Export & Transfer Clients QBD

Download document with pictures - QB Client Export HERE

Open QuickBooks: Click Reports, Lists, and Customer Contact List.

This brings up a list of your customers however it may not have all the info that you would want. To get more info and change the details… Click Customize Report.

This will bring up a window to allow you to select additional fields for the report. Main info clients typically want would be: First Name Last Name, Email, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Notes, Phone #s.

Once you have selected all the options you would like review, click “Excel” and “Create New Worksheet”

Look over this export thoroughly as you only get one import in to TG. Make sure it has all that you want and you can even compare to clients in the system to make sure the items you checked off for the report is giving you the correct info.




Install Web Connector QBD

QuickBooks Desktop – Install Web Connector

Download Document with Pictures Install Intuit Web Connector

This document covers the download and installation of the QuickBooks Web Connector. You will go to the Intuit website, download and extract the compressed file, and then run the installation wizard. Configuration with ThermoGRID is done in a later document. Make sure you are referencing the Getting Started guide to know what documents you need to follow.

Any questions regarding this process should be sent to [email protected].


    1. If you currently have QuickBooks open and/or running, close it now.
    2. Go to the Intuit site by following this link:



  1. Click on the “Download, unzip and install the QuickBooks Web Connector” link.
  2. Download the zip file to an easily accessible location like your desktop.
  3. Open the zip file and double click on QBWebConnectorInstaller.exe.
  4. If you get a pop up asking if you would like to extract files, click the “Extract all” button.
  5. Extract the files in an easily accessible location like your desktop.
  6. Open the folder you just extracted. Then right click on the QBWebConnectorInstaller.exe and choose the “Run as administrator” option. If you get a pop up that asks if you want to allow the app to make changes on your computer, click “Yes”.
  7. Click “Next” on the first part of the install wizard.
  8. Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click “Next”.
  9. Click the final “Install” button to begin the installation.
  10. Wait for the install to complete. You can follow the progress bar to monitor the progress.
  11. Click “Finish” to close the installation wizard.
  12. You are now finished with the installation of the Web Connector.



Connect Web Connector to ThermoGRID QBD

QuickBooks Desktop – Connect ThermoGRID to QBD

Download Document With Pictures Connect ThermoGRID to QuickBooks Desktop

This document covers setting up the link from ThermoGRID to QuickBooks Desktop. You will be enabling QBD, saving a sync password, and adding ThermoGRID to your Web Connector using a custom configuration file. Make sure you are referencing the Getting Started guide to know what documents you need to follow.

Any questions regarding this process should be sent to [email protected].


    1. Sign into ThermoGRID using your administrator account. Then click on the Administration tab.
    2. Click on the “Company Settings” button to go to the company settings page.
    3. Click the “Edit” button so you can modify the settings.
    4. Scroll down until you see the “Quickbooks Desktop” section. Then check the “Enabled” checkbox.
    5. After it loads, the system should enable QuickBooks Desktop and provide you with a “Configuration File” link and a “Password”. Take note that the password will only be shown to you once so you’ll need to copy it for later where you will enter it into Quickbooks. The password will get saved so you won’t need it again after that. Highlight the password, right click, then select “Copy”.
    6. Then open up notepad or similar program like Microsoft Word, then paste the password.
    7. Then click on the “Download File” link to download the customized configuration file.
    8. Download the file in an easily accessible location like your desktop.
    9. Open Quickbooks Desktop and click on “File” in the header bar, then choose the “Update Web Services” option. This will open up the QuickBooks Web Connector.
    10. Click on “File” in the header bar, then choose the “Add an Application” option.
    11. Select the configuration file you downloaded then click the “Open” button. After this, you will get an Authorize New Web Service pop up window.
    12. Click “OK” on the Authorize New Web Service pop up. After this, you will get a Certificate pop up.
    13. Select the “Yes, whenever this QuickBooks company file is open” option, then click “Continue”.
    14. After you add the ThermoGRID application enter or copy and paste the password you saved earlier in the “Password”field. You should get a pop up asking if you want to save the password, select “Yes”.
    15. You are now finished linking ThermoGRID to QuickBooks Desktop.




QuickBooks Sync Methods

General Sales Account

QuickBooks Online – Sync Method – General Sales Account

Download Document with Pictures Sync Method - General Sales Account

This document covers setting up the configuration for the “General Sales Account” Sync method and how the sync gets performed. You will be setting your sync method. Make sure you are referencing the Getting Started guide to know what documents you need to follow.

Any questions regarding this process should be sent to [email protected].


  1. Using your ThermoGRID administrator account, click on the Administration tab in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click on the “Company Settings” button to go to the company settings page.
  3. Click the “Edit” button so you can modify the settings.
  4. Scroll down until you see the “Quickbooks Online” section. Select the “General Sales Account” option under the “Sync Income to” drop down.
  5. To sync an order, start by first filling it out and then submitting it by clicking the “Submit” tab.
  6. Check the “I verify...” checkbox then click the “Submit Order” button.
  7. Click on the “View Outputs” tab to view the outputs links.
  8. Click on the “Job Costing” link at the top to go to the job costing page.
  9. Perform your normal job costing processes, then click the “Mark Complete” button when done.
  10. Lastly, confirm you want to mark the job costing complete.
  11. Every 10 minutes, ThermoGRID will automatically run a job that will sync any orders that have job costing marked completed with your QuickBooks Online account. If an order doesn’t come over after a while, please review the instructions again for your specific sync method as it is likely something was missed. If you still are having issues, you can contact [email protected] for additional help.



Chart of Accounts Items

QuickBooks Online – Sync Method – Chart of Accounts – Items

Download Document with Pictures Sync Method - Chart of Accounts - Items

This document covers setting up the configuration for the “Chart of Accounts – Items” Sync method and how the sync gets performed. You will be setting your sync method, exporting your service catalog, and ensuring the data matches QuickBooks. Make sure you are referencing the Getting Started guide to know what documents you need to follow.

Any questions regarding this process should be sent to [email protected].


  1. Using your ThermoGRID administrator account, click on the Administration tab in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click on the “Company Settings” button to go to the company settings page.
  3. Click the “Edit” button so you can modify the settings.
  4. Scroll down until you see the “Quickbooks Online” section. Select the “Chart of Accounts - Items” option under the “Sync Income to” drop down.
  5. Now you will need to make sure your service catalog departments match your QuickBooks Accounts. Go back to the Administration page then click on the “Manage Service Catalog” button to go to the service catalog page.
  6. Click on the gear at the top-right corner of the page, then click “Export Catalog” under the menu.
  7. Select a location to save the exported catalog, then click Save.
  8. Open up QuickBooks Online, open your Chart of Accounts, and review all of your Income Accounts.
  9. Open up the exported service catalog speadsheet in Microsoft Excel, Libre Office Calc, or similar program. Then go through the document and make sure that each record has a department that matches one of the Income Accounts in your Chart of Accounts in your QuickBooks Online Account. No record can be blank or you will experience sync issues. Make sure you go through every sheet in the document.
  10. Once you are done, save the document then go back to ThermoGRID. On the Service Catalog page, click on the gear in the top-right corner of the windows, then click “Import Catalog” under the menu.When on the Import Catalog page, click on the green “Add files” button.
  11. When on the Import Catalog page, click on the green “Add files” button
  12. Select the service catalog file, then click Open.
  13. Click on the blue “Start” button to begin the upload of the file.
  14. Click the blue “Validate File” button to begin the process that will validate the data in the file.
  15. Once validated, you will see the status. Click the green “Import File” to then update the catalog data.
  16. Once the import is complete, you will see the status.
  17. To sync an order, start by first filling it out and then submitting it by clicking the “Submit” tab.
  18. Check the “I verify...” checkbox then click the “Submit Order” button.
  19. Click on the “View Outputs” tab to view the outputs links.
  20. Click on the “Job Costing” link at the top to go to the job costing page.
  21. Perform your normal job costing processes, then click the “Mark Complete” button when done.
  22. Lastly, confirm you want to mark the job costing complete.
  23. Every 10 minutes, ThermoGRID will automatically run a job that will sync any orders that have job costing marked completed with your QuickBooks Online account. If an order doesn’t come over after a while, please review the instructions again for your specific sync method as it is likely something was missed. If you still are having issues, you can contact [email protected] for additional help.

Chart of Accounts References

Download Document with Pictures Sync Method - Chart of Accounts - References

QuickBooks Online – Sync Method – Chart of Accounts – References


This document covers setting up the configuration for the “Chart of Accounts – References” Sync method. You will be setting your sync method, and adding accounts that match QuickBooks. This document will also cover how to select accounts for order line items before they get synced. Make sure you are referencing the Getting Started guide to know what documents you need to follow.

Any questions regarding this process should be sent to [email protected].


  1. Using your ThermoGRID administrator account, click on the Administration tab in the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click on the “Company Settings” button to go to the company settings page.
  3. Click the “Edit” button so you can modify the settings.
  4. Scroll down until you see the “Quickbooks Online” section. Select the “Chart of Accounts - References” option under the “Sync Income to” drop down.
  5. Open QuickBooks Online and go to the Chart of Accounts. Then review your Income Accounts and any Sub-Accounts as you will need to add these to ThermoGRID.
  6. Back in ThermoGRID, click on the “Show Accounts” button under the Accounts section.
  7. Click on the “Add Account” button to add an account.
  8. Type the name of the Account in the text box.
  9. To add a Sub-Account, click on the plus button on the side of an Account.
  10. Type the name of the Sub-Account in text field.
  11. Repeat Steps 6-10 for each of your Income Accounts and Sub-Accounts in QuickBooks. These Accounts and Sub-Accounts must match exactly what is in QuickBooks or you will have sync issues. Also note that Account and Sub-Account names must be unique.
  12. To delete an Account or Sub-Account, click the trash button next to any of the lines.
  13. The system will use the “Department” in each service catalog item as the default Account or Sub-Account when it syncs with QuickBooks Online. You can override each line item on an order when job costing.
  14. To sync an order, start by first filling it out and then submitting it by clicking the “Submit” tab.
  15. Check the “I verify...” checkbox then click the “Submit Order” button.
  16. Click on the “View Outputs” tab to view the outputs links.
  17. Click on the “Job Costing” link at the top to go to the job costing page.
  18. On the Job Costing page, click on the “Equipment & Tasks” plus button to expand the section.
  19. For each line item, select the Account or Sub-Account.
  20. Perform your normal job costing processes, then click the “Mark Complete” button when done.
  21. Lastly, confirm you want to mark the job costing complete.
  22. Every 10 minutes, ThermoGRID will automatically run a job that will sync any orders that have job costing marked completed with your QuickBooks Online account. If an order doesn’t come over after a while, please review the instructions again for your specific sync method as it is likely something was missed. If you still are having issues, you can contact [email protected] for additional help.


QuickBooks Errors QBD

Error Codes - QuickBooks Desktop (QBD)  

ERROR: Unable to add New Customer record to QBD - (3070) : The string "****** ****** (******)" in the field "****" is too long.

This error occurs when you are trying to sync data that is too large for QBD.

Check the error message for the specific field, then update the data in TG.

Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.   ERROR: Unable to Add Item to QBD - (3140) : There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Account "" in the Item Non-Inventory.

    1.   This error occurs when you did not select an account when job costing the order.
    2.   Go back to the job costing page for this order, and select the account for each line item.
    3.   Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
    4.   To help eliminate the issue with this item from happening again, you can also edit the item in the service catalog and set the department field to the QBD account you need. This will set the default account on future orders and you won’t need to manually select the account on the job costing page.

ERROR: Unable to Add Invoice to QBD - (3140) : There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Item "TGS-*******" in the Invoice line.  QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument.  The specified record does not exist in the list.

    1.   This error occurs when an item in QBD that was being referenced by TG gets deleted.
    2.   Because an item in TG can only be synced to QBD once, you will need to remove the item from the service catalog and re-add it.
    3.   Then go to the order, and remove the item that was causing the issue, and re-add it to the order using the newly added item from the service catalog.
    4.   TG will then insert a new item record into QBD and will start to keep track of that record’s ID.
    5.   Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.

  ERROR: Unable to Add Invoice to QBD - (3240) : Object "********-**********" specified in the request cannot be found.

  This error occurs when an object record in QBD gets deleted that is being referenced by the order. This may be from any action in QBD that destroys the record.

  1.   This error is most commonly caused by the customer record being deleted.
  2.   Open the client for this order in TG by using the order number above this error message.
  3.   While on the client page, expand the QuickBooks accordion at the bottom of the page and click the “Reset ID” button under the QBD section.
  4.   This will force TG to search QBD for a new customer record in QBD or insert a new one if none is found.
  5.   Manually run or wait for the next sync and check again.
  6.   If you continue to receive errors, contact ThermoGRID Support and we can help to narrow down what object in QBD was deleted.   General  Issues: Clients are being duplicated. This issue can happen when a client you already had setup in QB has a Display Name format that did not match up with TG. (“fname lname (id)”). TG Is unable to find the customer in QB when syncing an order so it creates a new record. To fix this duplicated client, first start by merging in the newly created customer account in QB to the old customer record. Go to this client’s edit page, expand the QuickBooks accordion at the bottom of the page, and click the “Reset ID” button under the correct QB section. This will force TG to search QB for the customer next time there is an order to sync. To make sure TG finds the correct customer this time, copy the customer’s Display Name field from QB and paste it intto the client’s Display Name field in TG. The next time an order is synced, TG should find the customer record in QB using the Display Name field that you entered and use that to sync the order.

Videos QBD

QuickBooks Online

Export & Transfer Clients QBO

Download Documents with Pictures HERE

On the right, click the settings gear and check/uncheck the checkboxes to match the picture below. Then click on "Reorder columns".

Use the move buttons on each side of the checkbox to reorder them like the picture below. Then click the "Run report" button.

Then click on the export button and select "Export to Excel".

Sync Methods QuickBooks Online

General Sales Account

Chart of accounts Items

Chart of Accounts References


QuickBooks Errors QBO

Error Codes - QuickBooks Online (QBO)  

ERROR: [2050] String length specified does not match the supported length. Min:*** Max:*** supported. Supplied length:*** (Field: *********).

This error occurs when you are trying to sync data that is too large or small for QBO.

Check the error message for the specific field, then update the data in TG to be under the max length and over the min length.

Wait for the next sync and check again.   ERROR: [6250] The customer you have specified has been deleted. You cannot create or edit a transaction with a deleted customer.

  1.   This error occurs when you have deleted a customer or you performed a similar action that removes/disables the customer record in QBO.
  2.   Open the client for this order in TG by using the order number above this error message.
  3.   While on the client page, expand the QuickBooks accordion at the bottom of the page and click the “Reset ID” button under the QBO section.
  4.   If there is no record in QBO for this customer and you would like TG to insert a new customer, you are done and can skip the remaining steps. If you would like TG to sync the order to another customer record that already exists in QBO, continue the following steps.
  5.   Copy the customer’s Display Name field from QBO to the client’s Display Name field in TG.
  6.   Wait until the next sync and TG should search QBO for the customer record using the Display Name field that you entered and use that record for the sync.

ERROR: [6000] Business Validation Error: Make sure all your transactions have a GST/HST rate before you save.   This error occurs if you are using a Non-US version of QBO.

  1.   Go to the company settings page and expand the QuickBooks Settings accordion. Under the QBO section, set the Country Version field to “Non-US”.
  2.   Expand the Tax Settings accordion and setup the tax rates to match your GST/HST rates. Also be sure to set the tax rate on your orders to the correct rates.
  3.   Wait until the next sync and check again if the order has synced.

ERROR: [2500] Invalid Reference Id : Something you're trying to use has been made inactive. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.

  This error occurs when one of the objects that the order In TG is trying to reference was disabled in QBO. The record is usually an account on one of the items, an item itself, or the customer record.

  1.   Please check through the customer, items, and accounts referenced on the order and re-activate the records in QBO. You can also delete the order in TG and recreate with non inactive records.
  2.   Wait until the next sync and check again if the order has synced.
General  Issues: Clients are being duplicated. This issue can happen when a client you already had setup in QB has a Display Name format that did not match up with TG. (“fname lname (id)”). TG Is unable to find the customer in QB when syncing an order so it creates a new record. To fix this duplicated client, first start by merging in the newly created customer account in QB to the old customer record. Go to this client’s edit page, expand the QuickBooks accordion at the bottom of the page, and click the “Reset ID” button under the correct QB section. This will force TG to search QB for the customer next time there is an order to sync. To make sure TG finds the correct customer this time, copy the customer’s Display Name field from QB and paste it intto the client’s Display Name field in TG. The next time an order is synced, TG should find the customer record in QB using the Display Name field that you entered and use that to sync the order.  

Videos QBO

Reconcile ThermoGRID to QB

ThermoGRID Accounting Process


Go to orders in ThermoGRID

Change status filter to “open” (no order should be listed as open)

  • make sure all service orders are submitted… find out why service orders are open if they are.
  • Make sure all sales orders that are sold are submitted… find out why service orders are open if they are. If the order is not sold than change to no sale.

Once these have been completed change status to “Submitted” and change costing filter to “not done”.

First verify the job is complete for the order then click the triangle and go to the job costing page.

Job costing is comparing the price that we set for equipment, parts, labor, etc. this should be compared to the invoice received from the supplier and compared to time sheets for hourly techs. If items were added to a job such as electronic air cleaner, drop, etc. you should go to the order estimate and add them in. Also verify the sale price and payment method is correct.

Once everything is updated you can change payment status on the job costing page and mark complete. You will be able to close the job from here and the call if there are no other jobs tied to the call that need to stay open.

Now that this is done we can go through jobs and calls and ensure all statuses are correct… nothing should remain open.


  • ThermoGRID to QB Rec – This means verify all submitted/Costed orders in ThermoGRID are in QuickBooks and verify payments.
  • QB to Bank Rec – This means verify all received payments in QuickBooks are in the bank account. The AR must be less that 1% and less than 30 days.


Close the month by the 8th or 5th business day… no later than the 15th

Example July should be closed by no later than Aug 15th

Additional Job Flow Information Here

QuickBooks Transfer Log

Go to Administration then "Company Settings"  

Locate the button called "View Log" by the version of QuickBooks you are using... Online or Desktop.