
From ThermoGRID
Revision as of 15:12, 23 August 2022 by Travis (talk | contribs)
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Release August 22nd, 2022

This release contains a new feature that will remove the dropdowns when creating an estimate for the customer, and replace with arrows and provide a workflow that makes it easier to use ThermoGrid from start to finish.  Watch the video by clicking here.

What it looks like now:

What you will now see:


Terminology has also changed.  Here's a list of the changes:

  • View Call is now called Calls
  • Site Photos is now Photos
  • Order Estimate is now Estimate
  • Units is now Equipment
  • Client Agreement is called Invoice
  • Install Task Sheet now called Work Order
  • Submit is now Complete Order


Release Monday  June 6 2022

We will be releasing an update to our Clock-In and Clock out button.  We are also releasing an update to the ThermoGrid phone system.

We changed from a floating green button (Seen Below) to a static button that will rest next to the User's Profile button (Picture further down).


The new look has updated interface, and more organized information.


The ThermoGrid phone system updates are illustrated below.  First is the current look.  Below are a few pictures of the new look.  It's been made more intuitive, updated look, and improved functionality.  See screenshots at end of post for reference.



Screenshots of new look on phone system.  Easier way to send messages, and better interface for transferring calls, and adding calls to ThermoGrid cases.




Release Wednesday March 2nd 2022


  1. Brand new updated User Interface.
  2. Inventory Orders has been updated to now be able to support multiple suppliers, and create multiple supplier orders at once.

With the new User Interface the new administration area has been moved, and is now a mega menu and is the cog wheel on the top right of the main page.  Here's a full list of the changes:

Grouped under Company
Company Settings --> Changed to "General Settings"
Manage Dropdowns --> Changed to "Drop Downs"
Dispatching Settings --> Changed to "Dispatching"
Club Memberships --> Changed to "Membership Plans"
"Subscription" unchanged

Grouped under Service Catalog
Manage Service Catalog Items --> Changed to "Items"
Manage Service Catalog Images --> Changed to "Images"
Manage Filter Tags --> Changed to "Filter Tags"
Manage Suppliers --> Changed to "Suppliers"
City Permits unchanged

Grouped under Finance
Tax Rates unchanged
Discounts & Fees unchanged
Payment Methods unchanged
Commission/Bonus Scale --> Changed to "Earning Scales"
Payment Integrations --> Changed to "Integrations"

Grouped under Communications
Manage Job Documents --> Changed to "Job Documents"
Manage Email Templates --> Changed to "Email Templates"
Manage Text Templates --> Changed to "Text Templates"
Create Scheduling Portal --> Changed to "Scheduling Portal"
Communication Integrations --> Changed to "Integrations"

Grouped under Users
Manage User Accounts --> Changed to "Accounts"
Manage User Groups --> Changed to "Groups"
Manage API Keys --> Changed to "API Keys"

Grouped under Inventory
Manage Locations --> Changed to "Locations"
Stock Levels unchanged
Inventory Orders --> Changed to "Orders"

Grouped under Employee Requests
Manage Time Off Requests --> Changed to "Time Off"
Manage Compensation Requests --> Changed to "Compensation"

Grouped under Marketing
Manage Marketing Lists --> Changed to "Lists"
Manage Marketing Campaigns --> Changed to "Campaigns"
Manage Sent Marketing Emails --> Changed to "Sent Emails"


Release Tuesday Dec 28th 2021


  1. Added notice on the Manage Discounts and Fees page about editing records and how changes affect orders.
  2. Added payment status field to the orders report excel export.

Bug fixes:

  1. Filters on the timesheets report and time off request pages will be automatically applied when linking from the payroll report.
  2. Fixed issue with inventory order stock notification emails not showing item names or descriptions.
  3. Now properly alerting on warning when trying to send an inventory order email without any addresses.
  4. Fixed empty job costed date field on the orders report excel export.
  5. References to suppliers are now correctly wiped from service catalog and order records when a supplier is deleted.
  6. Corrected time zone conversion issue on the timesheets report which resulted in some punches being off depending on the user timezone.
  7. Gracefully handling empty revenue amount and goals which caused the total revenue gauge on the DMR report to break.
  8. Improved general query performance when calculating a unit's Cost to Date field.
  9. Fixed an interface issue on the Manage Compensation Requests page which caused bulk delete counter be used multiple times causing errors.
  10. Disabled ability to modify other client data on an archived call like units, unit extras, unit photos, recordings, etc.
  11. Fixed issue with clients page which would incorrectly query on archived client addresses causing confusing results.


Release Monday Dec 20th 2021

  • Technicians and Sales Representatives can now see and click on all the history for a customer.
  • Changed tax labels: Include was changed to Use Tax and Separate was changed to Sales Tax.
  • Added age of unit auto calculations. By entering the Install or manufacturer date on a unit it will now convert it to display the age of the unit.
  • Added functionality to be able to delete Inventory Locations. The location must be empty.
  • Added filtering on calendar and job dispatching page to remove ThermoGrid support admin users.
  • Added Delete function on the Manage Inventory Locations page to allow locations without any inventory to be deleted.
  • When adding a new job on the calendar added pagination to client list.


Bug fixes

  • Resolved odd reactivity issue with calendar getting stuck on morning hours and not jumping to a job's start date time.
  • Service Request blocks on the calendar page now have their descriptions cut to 100 characters to prevent issue with view details not being visible.
  • Bouncing between "All" and "My" events on the calendar will no longer cause the events to be invisible on the calendar.
  • Fixed bulk updates with Compensation Requests that were calendar type when changing calendar event related data.
  • Corrected syntax issue on the Scheduling Portal Widget code snippet.
  • Fixed navigation issues with links in new tabs on the client information page.
  • Admins can now "un-select" a Primary Job Type for users on the Manage User Accounts page.
  • Fixed issue with creating membership and using recurring rule that would sometimes cause errors.
  • Clicking Edit Units on a client membership will now properly populate multiple units of the same time in the drop downs.
  • Fixed Unit Extras summary section not showing data when swapping between addresses on the client addresses page.
  • Fixed issue that would delete all service catalog Tags if any were untied from specific images.
  • Client name now properly updates in the breadcrumb when changing clients on the call and order client info pages.
  • Fixed error when trying to delete a voicemail text prompt record.
  • Fixed the Track Callbacks dropdown on the DMR settings page not populating when in edit mode.
  • Orders report now properly handling "Any" or "All" filter options on complex queries.
  • Now calls that are archived can no longer have file attachments added to or removed from them.
  • Fix extra comma in csv exports on the Unit Cost and Equipment Age reports.
  • Corrected an issue that could drop some user permissions until the user logged out and then back in.
  • Editing a Marketing Campaign now works properly instead of creating a new copy.
  • Fixed edit issue that stripped token data from the document until the page was reloaded.
  • Ensure long email lists are properly spaced.
  • Corrected UI issues and on the Manage Inventory Locations page.