NavBar - Orders

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My Orders

How to Create an Estimate for a Client


  • From the home page select “My purchase orders” to the left of the page
  • Select “+Add Order”
  • Enter the client information—make sure you enter the e-mail address
  • If the technician generated the sale you can select the “Tech lead generated order” box
  • Select the “Engineering analysis” tab
  • Enter the information that appears
  • You can upload site photos
  • Select “Equipment & Task”
  • Select “+Add item”
  • Add all the necessary items
  • You can delete items if you want
  • You can change the quantity of the item
  • You can price out multiple selections by selecting Option 1,2, or 3
  • When you figure out the option you want select “Select option”
  • Select View outputs page
  • Save the signature at the bottom
  • Print or e-mail the page
  • Select the install task sheet tab and e-mail or print that page
  • Select “Submit”
  • Submit the order
  • You can change the payment status of the order


Order # 2018033013180676

Year = First 4 gigits

Month = Digits 5 & 6

Day = Digits 7 & 8

Hour = Digits 9 & 10

Minute  = Digits 11 & 12

Second = Digits 13 & 14

Milliseconds = Digits 15 & 16



Order # Create Date Install Date Client Status Paperwork Payment Commission Labor Costing  Created By


Must put the appropriate information in the proper cell... meaning if you want to search for an order number then start typing the order number under the Order # header.


Status Update


Open = This is the status when an order is created and should only remain open till the Sales quote is given or the service job is complete.

Submitted = Every service job is to be submitted when the job is complete... Even if it is a no charge or call back. Only orders that are sold are to be submitted.

Advanced = This is a status used on sales when when a price was not able to be given upfront and the appointment had to be rescheduled with the client to finish up. This can be used on service jobs that are holding for parts or incomplete.

No Sale = This would be given to sales orders that were quoted that a client did not move forward that day. Make it a no sale and you can always open back up.


Delete Order

Must have the role Reopen Calls in Manage User Accounts to delete orders.

To delete an order click:

  • Orders
  • Locate the order by using the filters
  • Click the triangle on the left next to the edit icon (pencil) 
  • Delete Order

1. Enter Data

Has these pages

Engineering Analysis | Site Photos | Job Documents | Order Estimate | Units | Items Used

Engineering Analysis


This allows you to complete a load calculation quickly, easily, and accurately.


There are many ways to complete a load calculation.

  • The Whole Home
  • Each Level
  • Room By Room

See the Videos of the Engineering Analysis

Site Photos

Here you can take a picture from you tablet or cell phone or upload from your library.

You can also add a caption to each picture.

By clicking hide it will put a check mark and change the name to display. This will attach the picture and the caption to the Client Agreement allowing you to show before and after pics or make recommendations.

Job Documents


Click the dropdown triangle, select the document you want, and click +Add Document.

Fill the document out and click save when done or before moving to a new screen.

You can print or email from here or you can click show client and it will send this document in the same email as the Client Agreement.

Order Estimate

Email a client an Estimate or (Agreement - Contract - Invoice)

The Difference:

Agreement - Contract - Invoice

You can only send one Agreement, whichever you clicked "select option" on on the Order Estimate page - emailed from view outputs "Client Agreement" page


You can send multiple Estimates - emailed from the "Order Estimate" page


Everything to know on the Order Estimate page

Install Date = This is for the date you did the work. If you use QuickBooks this will be the date the invoice hits your income statement.

Installer Notes = This will transfer to the Installer Task Sheet, the client will not see these.

Notes for client = The notes here will go to every estimate option and the agreement no matter which option they choose.

Notes for (Good Better, Best) Options =  These notes only go to the option they are typed into... if you click on a different option it will allow you to put new notes in for it. If you select option "Best" it will have the notes for the best option and notes for client.

Tech Flags

Call on the way = This will transfer to the Installer Task Sheet letting them know what to do or to prepare them.

Pets = This will transfer to the Installer Task Sheet letting them know what to do or to prepare them.

Sign Paperwork = This will transfer to the Installer Task Sheet letting them know what to do or to prepare them.

Technician Collects Payment = This will transfer to the Installer Task Sheet letting them know what to do or to prepare them.

Units Worked on = If this is a service job you can choose the model number that is being worked on and you can pull a report of total repairs on this unit to get the client to look into replacement. Unit Cost

+ Add Item = This is what you click to add items from your price book for estimates or agreements.

AHRI Calculator = This will take you to the AHRI website so you can match units up.

Remove Option = This allows you to delete the option that you are clicked on.

Select Option = This is how you choose the option you want to transfer to the client agreement... must click one one

Print Option = This will print the option you are on and is viable.

Email Option = This will email the option you are on and is viable.

Tax Rate = Here you can override the tax rate to charge on this job. To add more/edit go to Tax Settings

Retail Options = This has to do with payment amount and payment type. 

  • None = Means you are not choosing a payment method that you wish to account for the dealer fees. You can put down payment in "collected" or leave blank so the client owes the full amount. When you put in an amount collected you can choose a type so it transfers the down payment type to QuickBooks. If you do not have a type listed you may need to setup in payment methods.
  • Partial = Part of the job will be using a payment method (usually something with a dealer fee), the amount going on the payment method needs to be typed into the "Amount" area, you can also add another down payment under down payment usually check or cash.
  • Full = This means all of the money is collected by financing, credit card, etc. The client agreement will show paid in full.

Retail Price = This is the amount yo should charge the client based on how you have your price book set up.

Discounts & Fees = This will allow reps to pick a prebuilt discount or fee and have it change clients invoice. The discount of fee must be the last thing done on this page. If you add in a discount and fee then change items on the option you must delete the sales price and the discounts and fees. Discounts & Fees

Selling Price = You can choose any amount to type in here or use what is repopulated. If you override the price it will make a discount or fee automatically.

Payment Method = You can choose any payment method and it will be reportable. Also if the payment method has a dealer fee you can choose to have it adjust your gross margins to cover the cost. Payment Methods

Sales Tax = If an item is listed as separate it will cause this area to show total tax. If an order has a discount it is going to be listed as taxable. It is recommended to not have different tax methods on one order.  Tax Settings

Monthly Payment = This is calculated by the payment factor area in Payment Methods

Amount Due = This is how much will be due on the clients invoice. The System defaults to "Full" Which will show client has paid you.

Once Item is Added you can click on it and edit.

Here you can change Qty and Taxable option. These are also able to be changed in your Service Catalog so they default however you would like.

  • Also you can go to the Service Catalog to choose if the item description and price and be edited on this order estimate page.

Separate tax from Item Cost = Means if the the retail amount is $500 for the repairs it will be $500 plus tax. 

Include Tax in Item Cost = Means you pay tax when you buy the equipment but you do not change tax on the clients invoice... you just pass it through.

Don't Apply Sales Tax = No tax anywhere, you didn't pay any tax and client does not need to pay tax on anything.







Here is where we add equipment we want to track from a homeowner. Even if you didn't install the system you still add it in. The date must be put in to closest year month day does not matter on equipment you did not install.

In the order

  • 1. Enter Data
  • Units
  • + Add Unit
  • Fill in all information
  • Add Unit

Once this item is entered you can now add pictures to the unit (picture of the system, extra items filters)



Overtime you add a new piece of equipment you must select a date to add the item.

The Call/Job /Order must be open to add equipment.

Items Used

This is how you can track inventory for jobs like installs or items that are not sold on an invoice.

Add Purchased Item

This is to track items bought from stores like Menard or Home Depot

Add In Stock Item

These are inventory items that are currently on a truck.

Add Out of Stock Item


These are normal inventory items or items in the price book that truck is not currently stocking.


If you want to create a PO for an item check the box on the right of the item and Create Inventory Order. This will tie the order number to the PO.

2. View Outputs

This page will display:

Client Agreement | Commission | Job Costing | Supplier Orders | Install Task Sheet | Order Estimate

Client Agreement

This will allow you to give an invoice to a client have them sign on the spot or email it and they can click view agreement, sign agreement, and sign and save. when they do this it will email you letting you know they signed and auto add their signature in the system.

You can show one price for all items.. it defaults as Bulk price.

You can show price for all items individually by clicking Detail.

You can change what the Client Agreement is called by clicking the edit button by Client Agreement.



If the you and the items are able to get/pay commissions that you are selling you will see yur commission on this page based on the price you are selling them for.

Job Costing

Job costing is defined as a method of recording the costs of a job. With job costing systems, a project manager or accountant can keep track of the cost of each job, maintaining data which is often more relevant to the operations of the business.

Find your true Gross Margin with Job Costing

Things you'll need to know/have.

  • Payment method - (Check Payment Method on the order estimate page to insure it is correct)
  • All invoices (suppliers, sub contractors, etc.) (verify all items and cost is entered)
  • Inventory restock lists associated to the job. (Enter all cost)
  • All time sheets (Can select this in the Labor section of the job costing)
  1.  From the home page select “My Orders” •
  2. Change Status filter to  Submitted by clicking the drop down
  3. Change Costing filter to "not done"
  4. Click the drop down triangle next to the edit button (pencil)
  5. Select Job Costing
  6. Review the items (if there are items on the invoices or inventory lists that are not listed on the job costing page, go to order estimate and add the items in.) to go back to the job costing click back on your browser or view out puts then job costing.
  7. To edit the cost of items click edit and click on the dollar amount of the item. When updating these items (material, equipment) they must be edited in the bottom section Gross Margin.


Selling or Retail Price

  • This needs to be changed on the Order Estimate page. If retail needs to go up add the items needed to increase it.
  • If the selling price needs to change, do that in the selling price location.


If commissions need to be edited do it in the commissions section of the job costing.


  • Only select a tech for "Technician who performed the labor" if the tech is on "task" pay.
  • If a tech is hourly, click on the + Labor select all jobs you want to pull in on this order for wages to complete this order. (this will be actual labor cost of all techs based on their hourly pay from the manage user section)
  • Then you can type this amount in as the new "labor amount" under the commissions section of the job costing.

Material, Equipment and Other Cost

  • At minimun these numbers need to be change in the Gross Margin section of the job costing.
  • If you want to itentify which items where off you must update each line item as well as the Gross Margin section.


Sales Technician: (Put in who sold the job, if this a commissionable order)

Technician who generated the lead:  (Put in who generated the lead, if this a commissionable order)

Technician who performewd the labor: (Only select the installer here if they are task pay)

Payment Status

If the client paid in full you can mark it as paid, this will not do anything as far as how it transfers to QuickBooks. If you want to transfer payments to QBO click here for QBD click here.

Finish Editing

To do this click finish editing at the top right of the screen

Mark Complete

  • When you click mark complete you are able to close the Job and the Call right from here.
  • Only close the call if there are no other jobs in it that still need to be completed.

*** Again Please Note:

When Editing prices or commissions, make sure you edit the commissions in the top section labeled "commission" and the bottom section labeled "Gross Margin".

When updating cost you can update the mid section of each item but you must update the section at the bottomed labeled "Gross Margin" either way. There reason for this is to update the payroll pages properly as well as the orders reports.



Supplier Orders


All the equipment and materials you sell for an install must be setup in the Service Catalog with suppliers names in on the item itself to do the automatic ordering for installs. Once this is done you will have PO generated by supplier on the Supplier Orders tab of the veiw outputs on an order.

To do the Inventory Management you must complete the setup of your locations and stock levels.

Install Task Sheet

This is automatically generated fromm the Order Estimate page telling the installers what they need to do. 

The installer can edit and put notes in and change the percentage of the job that is complete. 

You can have the client sign off at the end of the job or you can have the installer sign off that they completed all the work listed.


3. Submit

This is how you communicate you are done with completing the order or the work.
Check all boxes that apply, if you are not sure read "Which Boxes Should I Check".


Every Sales and service job should have an order.

Every service job that is complete should be submitted even if it is a call back and nothing is being charged. You should still put in on the order what you had to do.

Only sale jobs that are sold are submitted. If an estimate is given and the client does not accept the order status should be changed to no sale.

If you need to go back to the clients location and can not complete the job or the estimate change the order status to Advanced.


View Call

By clicking this it will take you to the call allowing you to see all jobs, orders, and history for the client.