Offline Sync

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Offline Access is a way where if a technician is in a home and there is no internet service they can still complete the task creating and order estimate and invoice the client.
If your account has the offline feature enabled you can find it on your home screen right under the Administration button. 
How to use this feature:
  • Click the Offline Sync button each morning on the home page. (This downloads a fresh new price book into the browser, if you clear your history you are clearing out the price book so the feature will not work)
  • When the internet is gone you will see a red button in the top right of your screen saying "Offline" and you will need to sign in.
  • From here you can click "My Purchase Orders" and "+New Order"
  • Put in the client's information
  • Click Order Estimate to put items in on it just like normal.
  • When the internet is restored you can click the Offline Sync button on the home screen to sync this order to where all the others are located.
How to connect the order to a Call/Job:
  • Create the call and the job if it is not done yet.
  • Copy the job number
  • Go to the order and open it
  • In the top left of the order you'll see where it say "Link to Job" and paste in the job number.
Updating Price Book 
When you update your price book and then want it to refresh in the offline mode you must wait 4 hours for it to reflect. Once the 4 hours has past you can go to the home screen and click Offline Sync.
Might need to enable Google Chrome.
  • Type “About://flags” in address bar of chrome.
  • Search – “offline”
  • Change to “enable”


  • Sync offline
  • Will need to log out and back in to ThermoGRID.
  • Sync offline again.