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Things you must know for payroll.

Compensation Request


Compensation Requests System (typically for task pay and commission employees)

1. Added new entry in Admin > Manage Drop downs for new "Compensation Types".

  • Each type has:
    • a description
    • a default dollar amount
    • a checkbox to mark it as belonging on the calendar or not

2. Added "Add Compensation Request" button on calendar under cog wheel.

  • Comp requests can have the following fields:
    • User - the user for whom the request is for. A user who doesn't have a the "Manage Users" role will just have themselves as the only option.
    • Type - the type which will determine if the request is for the calendar or not. At this time, users who don't have the "Manage Users" permission can only add requests from the calendar.
    • Date Earned - the date that this request will show up on the payroll report.
    • Amount - the dollar amount the user should be paid. Defaulted to the type's amount but can be changed.
    • Status - Either pending, accepted, or rejected. The status will reflect on the calendar with an icon like time off requests.
    • Paid - whether this request has been paid or not. For now, requests that get marked as paid won't show up on the payroll report.
    • Notes - a text area for any notes needed.
    • If the request is for the calendar, it will also have:
    • Event Start Date - Start date time of the calendar event
    • Event End Date - End date time of the calendar event
    • Available for jobs checkbox - Marks a user as being busy or not during the time of the vent like regular events.

3. Added "Manage Compensation Requests" page under Admin > Manage Users > Compensation Requests for users with the "Manage Users" role.

  • From here, an admin user can view all the comp requests in their company and has some sorting, filtering, and paging.
  • They can add new comp requests from here.
    • At this time, this is the only place that can add non calendar based compensation requests.
  • They can also edit/delete single records or update/delete records in bulk using the bulk actions tool.
  • This page also has some brief stats on the bottom.

4. Added compensation requests section to the payroll report which will only show requests that are marked as Accepted and Not Paid.

  • They also appear in the summary section and contribute to that total. This summary will be reworked in a future update to be more specific.

5. There are also some complicated rules on who and when can view/edit a comp request based on a users role, who it's for, and the requests's status and paid mark.