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= Demo Video =
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= <span style="color:#ff0000;">Page List for Wiki</span> =
= <span style="color:#ff0000;">Page List for Wiki</span> =

Revision as of 22:16, 17 December 2020

Page List for Wiki


There are a couple ways in which you will be able to search on this site...

1. An exact match, this happens when you start typing in a word like Qui  and the Wiki site brings up a page called QuickBooks as a recommendation.

2. Contains Search, this means when you type a word in it does not populate what you are typing. Like if you want to find how to create an estimate, type in "estimate" in the search bar in the top right. This will then present you will all the pages containing the word estimate, if you scroll down your options you will see a page called Sales Representative and as a description How to create an estimate or an invoice

If you want to become really familiar with ThermoGRID you will need to go through all these sections. Tabs 1-6 will go through and show you every button in ThermoGRID and explain what it does. 


Getting Started With ThermoGRID


You have receive an address for you ThermoGRID account... The address will be ((your company name).thermogrid.com)  Type this into the address bar at the top of your browser, we recommend using Google Chrome as your browser.

My Account Page (click your name in the top right of the screen)

  • Password
  • Phone
  • Email

Setup Employees

 When getting started you can send ThermoGRID Support all employees and we can set them up. ([email protected])

To do this on your own you can go to Manage User Accounts.

Setup Clients

 Export & Transfer Clients QBD 

 Export & Transfer Clients QBO 

 If you are exporting from another type of software account make sure you export all the info you want in ThermoGRID. A lot of software will make you export multiple lists to get extra info such as Client info, Memberships, Equipment, and Notes. We can tie all this info together if you are doing a full setup, but each export must contain something consistent to tie them together such as a client number. If you are trying the exports together by name or address you are probably going to have duplications.

Setup Your Pricing

 Example Price Books You Can Use For HVAC or create you own items. Make sure all items are in the same format as you see in the example service catalogs. (Description in proper column, Model # in the proper column, Equipment Cost in the proper column, etc.)

Setup Inventory

Make sure all items are in your Service Catalog before setting up your inventory.

Training Sessions:

Training Checklist

* Have pricing uploaded first if possible.



Training Schedule

Download Training Sheet HERE 

See all the basic training on mobile view. HERE


Basic Training

Intro to training:

Top right of you ThermoGRID account says “help” this leads you here

All Help Pages Here


This is the phone ringing. This way you can track all types of calls coming in, not only client but vendors telemarketers etc.

(Enter client data)


This is a client requesting services where you need to send a representative to a location or a job that needs to be completed. The job is what is dispatched to a technician and the job is what shows up on the calendar.

(Pulls in client data from the Call)

(For entering Job type and details of the job)


The order is where the technician or sales rep is able to put together a list of item recommended or completed. The order is what we use to create invoices, estimates, proposals, receipts, contracts, etc.

(Pulls all client info from the call)

(Tied to DMR job  types from the job)

(Job costing tied to the Job)


Calendar and Login 

Call Center

Basic Training Scheduling & Dispatching


Call Center Part 1

Scheduling Dispatching - To Track KPIs and use DMR (Daily Management Report)

Client Management, History, Locations

Scheduling - Dispatching


Call Center Part 2

Closing (time sheets, orders, jobs, calls)

Setup QuickBooks


Memberships - Agreements - PMs - Service Contracts



Invoice a client a repair in less than 45 seconds

Basic: (Invoicing, Pictures, Job Docs, Clock in and out, Job Status, M# S#, Load Calculations, Order Status)

Also See:

Load Calc

Service Technician

Credit Cards



Provide an estimate to a client in less than 45 seconds

Basic: (Invoicing, Pictures, Job Docs, Clock in and out, Job Status, M# S#, Load Calculations, Order Status)

Also See

Sales Representative

Engineering Analysis

Credit Cards

Order Estimate


Purchasing – Install Coordinator

All the equipment and materials you sell for an install must be setup in the Service Catalog with suppliers names in on the item itself to do the automatic ordering for installs. Once this is done you will have PO generated by supplier on the Supplier Orders tab of the view outputs on an order.

To do the Inventory Management you must complete the setup of your locations and stock levels.


Service Catalog - Price Book - Tags

Installer - PO



Credit Cards




Partner Training & Consulting


1. Online Training - 2. Webinars - 3. Onsite

We Offer The Most Powerful HVAC/Plumbing/Electrical Coaching

You can get training in all departments one of three ways.

#1 Recruiting

On average companies we coach are able to bring in over 30 candidates a week for interviews. We will advise and provide you, among other things

  • Interview Questions
  • How to Become More Attractive in the Job Market
  • Where to Recruit
  • How to do Personality Assessments
  • To Dos - Not To Dos
  • Position Agreements
  • Job Descriptions​
  • When to recruit
  • Where to recruit
  • How to recruit
  • Creating Ads
  • Getting top talent
  • Retention

#1 Call Center

Your call center is usually the first point of contact a client has with your company.  The individuals in these positions can basically make or break the success of the organization.  We will provide and guide you with:

  • Scripts (Inbound and Outbound)
  • Scheduling Training
  • Dispatching Training
  • Responsibility Alignment
  • Objection Handling
  • Club Sales
  • Call Conversion

#1 Sales 

Our sales process is infallible. No experience in HVAC or sales is needed. This program is very well rounded and covers all aspects of the sales process, including:​​

  • The Script (learn to close sales at 70% or greater)
  • Sales Book 
  • Advanced Questioning
  • Psychology of Sales
  • Neuro Linguistics 
  • Personality Assessing
  • Objection Handling​

#1 Service

With our help, build a superstar technician from the ground up.  We will implement our sales process in the service department to help you build a stellar selling technician.  We will guide you and provide you with:

  • Script - Full process of a service job
  • How to present a price effectively
  • Selling Maintenance Agreements
  • Generating Leads
  • Advanced Questioning
  • Personality Assessing
  • Objection Handeling​
  • Average Ticket
  • Technical
  • EPA


Learn to effectively lead, coach and manage your team with these processes. As a leader you will learn to prioritize and make sure the focus is always moving towards the success you want.

  • Maintenance Agreements
  • Handbook
  • Flat Rate Pricing 
  • Safety Protocol
  • Technical Knowledge
  • Performance Reviews
  • Organizational Charts
  • Accountability
  • Personality Assessing
  • Time Management
  • Manage 
  • Coaching
  • Leading

Documents for Business Management

We have all the forms you need to increase communication, protect yourself as a business, and have a professional image.

  • Maintenance Agreements
  • Handbook
  • Flat Rate Pricing 
  • Safety Protocol
  • Technical Knowledge
  • Performance Reviews
  • Organizational Charts
  • Exit interview
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When troubleshooting there are a few things you can do from your end.

Check the Internet, Device, and  Browser.


Check internet connection and speed.  www.Speedtest.net  - Speed should be 40+ mbps Download speed

Try a different network. If you are on your normal internet try to use a hotspot that is using data (3g or better) not wifi and see if the challenge continues.


Do you have the same issue on a different device?

Check mobile vs desktop as well.


Are you using Google Chrome?

Is the browser up to date? In Chrome click - the 3 dots in the top right of the browser, click - Help, click - About Google Chrome.

Try a different browser. 

Try to recreate the issue on a different device.

  If you can not recreate the issue on a different device using a different network, see below.


  • Logo not loading
  • VoIP recordings not loading or playing
  • Can't get to ThermoGRID login site
  • Can't upload/download file, documents, pics
  • Can not process Credit cards or ACH

If other devices can do this from other networks check DNS.

Settings>More Tools>Developer Tools>Console

If you see an error "unable to load" (404) "Name not Resolving" you will need to change your DNS.

On the device go to network settings>Advanced>+DNS Server

Use or


For security reasons, in our recent maintenance window, we started to block web traffic to ThermoGRID from areas outside the US and Canada.


We are currently only targeting companies in the US and Canada so this shouldn't be a problem for most of our customers. It can however, affect some people in specific circumstances.


To determine if this will affect you, you can review the following questions:


1. Do you plan on using ThermoGRID while traveling outside the US and Canada?

      1b) No. - This change will not affect you for this scenario.

      1a) Yes. - You will be affected by this change and will likely not be able to connect to ThermoGRID.

                       If you still need to use ThermoGRID while traveling outside the US or Canada, look into getting a VPN or a proxy server that is based in the US or Canada.

2. Do you use a VPN while at work?

      2b) No. - This change will not affect you for this scenario.  

      2a) Yes. -  Review question 3.

            3. Do you connect to a VPN server outside the US or Canada or get proxied through a country outside the US or Canada ?

                  3a) Yes. - You will be affected by this change and will likely not be able to connect to ThermoGRID.

                                   In your VPN client, try to change locations to one in the US or Canada or switch to another VPN provider.

                  3b) No. - This change will not affect you for this scenario.

                  3c) I'm not sure. - Look at your VPN client and try to locate where you are connected to.

                                               If it's in the US and/or Canada and ThermoGRID is currently working for you, you should be okay. 

                                               If it's not in the US and/or Canada or you can't currently connect to ThermoGRID, in your VPN client, try to change locations to one in the US or Canada or switch to another VPN provider.


ThermoGRID Website
